New Future Doo-Wop page with weekly updates

I've been rewriting the Future Doo-Wop novelization one chapter at a time. If anyone is reading along I would love feedback, questions and notes! This is my first novel and I have no formal editing services so any input you have would go far to improving the work.

There will be a new chapter posted weekly to the page.

NaNoWriMo update

I announced I was going to try writing my first book in my first NaNoWriMo . This post could have been about how I failed at that, but surprisingly I am on track so far. I often announce an endeavor that isn't to be and it just falls to the side, but that may not be the case this time. 

I am currently a few hundred words shy of twenty thousand words towards my fifty thousand. I am pacing at about 2,000 words a day, all while also writing three pages of screenplay and putting in work on the new episode of Quality Sketch. And of course the day job. Sleep and life can wait though. 

First (last?) NaNoWriMo

Maybe I'm a psychological self-flagellant but I signed up for NaNoWriMo this year. I have never written a novel before but  have played with the idea of adapting a TV pilot of mine. Seems like a good time and low stakes scenario to indulge this itch. 
I also need to complete the first draft of my new feature script in November so I'll be a crazed person by December.